muhahaha 2007-12-29 (78 words)
making fun of chain emails Thanks for all your emails this past year "By the way….a South American scientist after a lengthy study has discovered that people with low IQ who have infrequent sexual activity always read their e-mails with their hand on the mouse. Don’t bother taking it off now, it’s too late…"
more...intentional accidents 2007-12-26 (60 words)
The accidental innovator "The point is to try to do one thing, in the hope of losing discipline and focus at the first opportunity. “We have an itch that we scratch,” he says, “and that becomes the thing.” Silicon Valley is what it is because it has a few firms like Google—and lots of people like Evan Williams."
more...hopelessly happy 2007-12-26 (297 words)
Hope is a major element of many belief systems. "To live in hope" is seen as something to aspire to, akin to "positive thinking." You may have guessed, I disagree, let me explain why.
... more...you can be what you want to be 2007-12-24 (335 words)
An often claimed allure of virtual worlds like Second Life is the "ability to be what pne choses." And on surface level I might agree to that. It is a promise the virtual world has for us. In my actual experience I see something else happen. It's something I've seen in many years of RPGing too (RolePlaying Games - both pen and paper based and live action)
... more...let my personality shine through 2007-12-24 (273 words)
I recently hear the comment about this here my blog that it was oh so techie and didn't let much of my personality shine through... Well yeah, they might be right there. Why is that so? Here's some reasons I can think of......
more...being found by people you were avoiding 2007-11-29 (505 words)
Cory Doctorow cites Danah Boyd "All is well until her students sign up and notice that all the friends in her profile are sunburnt, drug-addled techno-pagans" in a very insigthful article about how most SNS have a 'built in' self destruct mechanism...
... more...Kaossilator 2007-11-28 (179 words)
I was going to get a ThereMAX (a DIY kit to make a Theremin Vox), but now I've seen a Kaossilator in action! I so sold!
... more...Scott Andrew 2007-11-28 (162 words)
Really don't have much to say here, apart from the fact that I nod my head towrds him for music and the persitance with which he has been blogging about it. Waht prompted me to wite this post just now is his recent street video An alley somewhere in Portland OR…. I think - apart from Scott's musicality - it's amazing what today's cinsumer grade recording technology can do. As far as I can tell this is basically a digicam and maybe one mic. But both voice and guitar are well balance and clear. Nice :)...
more...painterly virtual reality 2007-11-26 (179 words)
A few years ago, when I was very into 3D modeling and things like Bryce, a title like this would have been for a post about new software, or new rendinging techniques and so on. This post is about Second Life and a chance pbservation. Consider the image to the left. This my Sl character Archer Mokeev sitting down in nature for a meditation. It'S a simple screen capture with no post-processing apart from the crop. This isn't photrealism or squeaky clean hyper 3D realism. It's almost painterly. And that's mainly because the grafic card in a MacBook just isn't that cutting egde really. I think it's a very encouraging sign that a something as widely available as Sl (it's free for basic access) has progressed to a point where you can create emotinal rich and expressive images like this 'on the fly'. This ia a snapshot, there was no prior planning or setup, no post processing. Just the eye for a scene......
Kindle is a service, not a device 2007-11-24 (149 words)
Mark McElroy very nicely sums up the issues with Amazon' Kindle eBook reader: "In the end, the decision is really this: do you want to buy into a service limited to displaying the texts one vendor offers (and get, as a result, simplicity and some wireless bells and whistles), or do you want to buy a device that you can use to read any texts you like?"...
more...LSL cookbook 2007-11-23 (86 words)
I was searching tjhe web for a cookbook style resource for Second Life's internal scripting language (LSL)... There's the LSL WIKI of course and I've studied most of the example and library scripts it contains. Yet the closest I came to find a LSL cookbook is this nice little script builder webapp: Script Me? ...
more...measurement and progress 2007-11-22 (103 words)
Mark McElroy: "the constant pressure to earn awards and achieve recognition does little more than assure students will produce only what people are already primed to appreciate. Anything that radically breaks with tradition is unlikely to be well received....
more...what we can't have 2007-11-22 (123 words)
What we (currently) can't have is often what we want the most. For example, I ran out of Coke, and for several reasons there's no way I will be getting any resupply soon. So now I sit here, feeling a bit low and trying to get into the groove.. and I think "a coke would boost me nicely now!" Yeah, right. Funny thing be, I know from long experience that it would not. It tends to make me tired and itchy mostly (sugar). I do get a buzz from enough of it, but it's not one that is conductive to concentrated work. And truth be told, when I have some around, I never seem to get this feeling od "if onl I had."
more...sophisticated insult 2007-11-22 (56 words)
eolake writes: "I was once treated exceedingly rudely by somebody on an otherwise very educated mailing list, so I said something like: 'I acknowledge and appreciate your input, pointed though it was, and humbly suggest that you take advantage of your next available vacation time by a protracted, if possible permanent, visit to the netherworld.' "
more...hating people for being innocent 2007-11-22 (101 words)
Now here's a weird quirk in human psychology. A person has been accused of fraudulent dealings. The accused and the accuser are close family. Later it turns out that the accusation was without grounds. Yet instead of making good and apologizing for the wrong accusation, what happens? The former accuser has been proven wrong, and thus now holds a grudge for being proven wrong. This leads to the upside down situation of the formerly accused - who has actually been done WRONG by being accused in the first place - AGAIN becomes the 'wrong doer' in the eyes of the former accuser. PEOPLE!
more...how one things leads to another 2007-11-18 (334 words)
warning: if you don't like a rambling style of blog post, go read something helpful. Still here? Ok, cool, I love you too.
As would be expected from a Mac OS X fan like me, I instantly jumped to Software Update as I learned that Safari 3 was now available for Tiger in the 10.4.11 update. It's a big chunk of update that one, including several securuty fixes etc. Along the update process, my network died for some reason, so the process was interrupted. I restarted it when ym net was back, and it completed - successfully as it claimed...
You gotta love SQLite 2007-11-15 (10 words)
with this motto: "Small, Fast, Reliable.
Choose any three."
movement, from a safe place 2007-11-1 (76 words)
I write about this before: I have a base need for mivement in a situational sense. Movement as opposed to stasis. Yet I also have this strong need for a safe place. Maybe it's the anchor... I guess what I am seeing in these seemingly opposing patterns in my life (need for constant change while also needing a safe place) comes down to the two base elements that are strongest to my nature: fire and earth.
more...a new script 2007-11-1 (26 words)
A Little Romance: "Most poor souls haven't the imagination to make the script different from Real Life, so they make the same mistakes in both worlds."
more...5 ways - to fail 2007-10-25 (95 words)
Joel Spolsky: "How Hard Could It Be?: Five Easy Ways to Fail" - Please read it. ...
more...discussions, decisions and movement 2007-10-25 (135 words)
In all of the self searching I did one things comes up regulary: to be content, I need movement. Not movement in a physucal sense, but as in moving forward. I feel most blocked when there is ongoing discussion about course of action. At the same time I happily engage in discussions that are aimed to come to a decision, a conclusion. As such I usually enjoy constructive criticism, even if it means a project might need to retrace it's steps a bit. The goal is improvement, which is a form of movement after all. Observing myself in group discusions I can see that I'm usually driving the group towards a consensus. A solution all can agree on. I like to talk about things, but I want to get results from the talk very much :)
more...lifesign 2007-10-17 (74 words)
Outage is a chance to review or simply refocus. I'm here, was here and never left. The outage had no technical reason, so everythng came back up as it went down. My apologies to all those who actualy make real money from what I have basically been paying for with AdSense and Amazon clicks (plus a bit)... Both lifes go on regardless. Although being without my primary email was suboptimal for work and life.
more...Is this something we can afford not to do? 2007-10-1 (271 words)
In an article on Second Life Insider titled "Diverse ruminations on human factors in virtual world experiences, not limited to the unexpected value of misconceptions" Tateru Nino talks about the 3+1 base factors that decide on the "is it worth it for me" of doing most anything and being in a virtual world specificaly. The three main visible factors being Novelty, Satisfaction and Friction. Interestingly there is a fourth one added that is usually not seen outright: Misconception, and it is noted that it can well be a positive force. ...
more...Daevl.Video 2007-9-29 (114 words)
Having been part the The League Of Extraordinary Beta Testers since the early beginnings I was very thrilled to see and hear the Makr himself explain his creation. It's one thing to to 'talk' to a friend in email and even in SecondLife, yet is another dimension to finally get to see their movements, expressions and voice ;) See, hear and read the full interview at the Cycling '74 bkog.
more...Bugs and magic tricks 2007-9-13 (75 words)
"Bugs thrive on the same human brain deficiencies that earn magicians their living. We are shown something that is apparently impossible -- but the reality is that we just don't have all the information."That is so very true. Insterestingly this post tie in very well with my current read: Stumbling on Happiness that talks a lot about the tricks our mind constantöy plays on us... for a good reason. more...
All leadership sucks including mine 2007-9-10 (462 words)
John W. McKenna is challenging bloggers to write up their thoughts on wh - or if - most leadership sucks. I've written a bit about leadership in "Leading from the inside out". That post was more about a specific leadership style, and not so much a qualitative reflections on it. For this post I'll rephrase the statement in the title into a question: "What makes leadership suck?"
... more...paradigm evaporation 2007-9-5 (85 words)
A lot of talk about Paradigm Shift. Shifting Paradigms really doesn't do it for me you know. Paradigms are a form of Dogma to me. And I may have stated so elsewhere, Dogma is my Nemesis. So for me it will be Paradigm Evaporation, thank you....
more...I'll tell my friends not to spam you? 2007-9-5 (62 words)
Exe-cuzzi-mea, but this offer I just got voa comments is kinda cute:
"I know you get a lot of spammy comments , ... more...spamusement 2007-7-24 (111 words)
If you are only slightly capable of reading actually German, this spam message is sure to crack you up. Obviouly the sender of the message so had NO CLUE about anything: "Sie wollen, der Ihres ? Gurke ? GROSS & STARK geworden ist, als ein STEIN?" ...
more...my DSL needs to get used to me again 2007-7-24 (72 words)
Really strange. When I got home and reconncetd again, streaming audio from any source was quite jumpy. Buffering a lot and skipping out for seconds at a time. Now that I've endured that for a few hours it has been getting more and more stable and constant. Not sure what that is, but I seem to remember it was this way the last time I was gone for a few days too.
more...good programmers 2007-7-24 (241 words)
One of the my tasls for the nearer future (around maybe September) professionally is to set up a small 'team' of coders here in Europe, maybe even Germany. Location is less important than the ease of commnication. So I was musing about what I would be looking for... There is the obvious 'good programmer' skill set, but that's really only a small part of it....
more...What to write about Trieste 2007-7-24 (655 words)
So I spent a few days in Trieste with my family and Marc's family. It was great fun to get to know each other on this more personal basis. The trip itself was mixed with some mishaps, an almost car breakdown that turned out to be a blessing and generally... stuff. I'm really not sure how I could write about it all here. Maybe a summary in a few words would be: Although we felt stressed and somethings went not too well at the time,. in hindsight we had a really great time :) You could maybe call it a challenge that worked out really well. ...
more...brave words 2007-7-8 (107 words)
Oh well. Perceptions. My dear sister (yes, I have one of those, hi micha) actually read my blog here. And she commented in an email that she applauds my "brave words." Heh, well.. to me they really don't feel that brave. Granted, I might state a few opinions here than some may not. Amd my view of the world is definetly different from a lot of people's worldview. Yet O don't feel very curagious in what I say here on this blog. MAybe that's just because the thoughts I express here a genuinly mine, and as such feel natural to me. It got me thinking for sure :)
more...Making complex things simple 2007-7-8 (512 words)
Here is some thoughts about another base tendency I have. I tend to reduce complexity to base elements. Filtering out the core message from complicated texts, finding good rules of thumb, all those have been typical of me when faced with a new topic. Maybe it's the way I can grasp a new field so quickly. Absorbing all available information, but always filtering out the core important aspects. Many people who get into a new field try to learn everything and all there is to know.... and soon get bogged down or overwhelmed by details. Rading everything there is to read about a subject is something I do too, but I give myself permission to forget the nittygritty details. It's an engeneering virtue my brother once told me about apparently: "You don't need to know everything. You need to know where to look it up."
... more...Dragon Zen 2007-7-8 (348 words)
Virtual worlds have one teaching aspect that I particularly notice. There is a certain disconnect between what we intend to do and what, and esp. when, it actually happens in the virtual world. Hardware and bandwidth limitations can make this lag quite noticeable and often frustrating. What is special to me about this effect is the fact that it's what I have learned to deal with all my life. Living as a visual person with a visual handicap has me in that exact situation most of the time. It taught me to step back a bit. To observe first and act second. To be patient. ...
more...BUSY, BUSY 2007-7-8 (413 words)
So I have been quiet here. Have you missed me? Here's a run doen and some thought about what I have been and AM up to.
... more...yay, yet another year 2007-5-15 (75 words)
Ok, no one apologize for being late, ok? It was my birthday on 14th of May and a lot of people I never expected to called/skyped/wrote to say theit best wishes. Thanks all! So now I'm 37 and not sure what that means, if anything. Oh, and I may have one of these around July sometime, if my friends here get their collective gift act together ;) Yay, that thing will be so cool.
more...the 5 way path 2007-4-27 (179 words)
Back on November or Devember of '06, when Vlad of DaevlMakr asked me to give him some tracks for my artist's profile, I had only very few that actualy used the awesome Daevl.Plugs. I needed to come up with a cool track showing the capabilities of the plugs and fast. ...
more...do I have stuff to write home about 2007-4-27 (81 words)
Well, actually being home, I guess I'll just write about it anyway :)...
more...what the author is paying you for 2007-4-24 (101 words)
I'm quoting Seth Godin out of context here, but the following sentence speaks a profound thruth on it's own:
That's a big part of what the author is paying you for.
Yes, that is what is really happening. The author of a book pays a book publisher to publish their book. A musician or band pays their label to produce and promote their CDs. It's obvious if you think about it. Only the labels, the agents, the publishers really do their best to make you think otherwise. "We are so generous to grant you a contract." Yeah, right. more...questioning 2007-4-19 (138 words)
Dick Richards: Seven Reminders About Writing A Book
There are a lot of questions in even the shortest of sentences. If I remember to ask myself questions like that about every sentence, and then answer those that seem relevant and interesting, I have a book.... more...I call it negative-procrastination 2007-4-15 (125 words)
Procrastination: putting off or delaying or defering an action to a later time.
Usually it is also associated with "do unimportant stuff instead of the important stuff." Lately I have noticed another form of behaviour: Not doing anything useful because the shoulds have not been dealt with. It works like this: "I need to do XY. I will do that later. I woud like to do YZ, but I rather not before XY is done..." This ultimately ends in a big waste of time. ...the strata of intention 2007-4-14 (211 words)
"I intended to do XY" - that is what one might say. But is it what one actually intended? Maybe one actually believes it is... there is at least one layer of intention beneath that. Sometimes it is very insightful to dig beneath the surface intention behind vertain actions. If we take the unconscious mind into account, there are intentions we have that we might not even realize. What was the real reason for action XY? ...
more...arguing with reality 2007-4-6 (87 words)
Passenger: I’m supposed to be in Vegas tonight.more...
Reality: The plane is late.
Passenger: Why do things like this always happen to me?
Reality: The plane is late.
Passenger: Damned incompetent airlines!
Reality: The plane is late.
Passenger: We should have taken an earlier flight.
Reality: The plane is late.
When you argue with reality, you just can’t win. Never. The attempt carries with it some measure of utterly avoidable unhappiness and stress.routines, cycles and variation 2007-4-2 (233 words)
Routines don't work for me. That's something I learned the hard way. I am most pructive when I break out of routines....
more...my coffee tastes of popcorn 2007-4-1 (79 words)
Yes, it does. And that's because, as an extreme measure of improvisation I am cooking my coffee water in my frying pan. Yeah, right, I coulda 'ave washed it out better, but then it's have tasten of detergent!...
more...making visible, or rather audible 2007-3-28 (103 words)
While being down with the cold and the flu I went through my artistic artefacts of the past months.... and realized that I had some audio tracks lying around that only a very small group of people had ever really heard and enjoyed! So I started to put up entries for them in my "Joy of Noise" pages. To make it easier for people to actually find the new material, I also added a 'Recent tracks' siebar to that page. And these tracks I added are only the beginning of some more material I have here but didn't get around to post yet...
more...a death in the family 2007-3-28 (171 words)
My uncle died in hospital tuesday 2am. It was suprising although we all had been prepared for the eventuality. He had been suggering from muscle distrophy for all his life. At the age of 50+ he was no longer able to walk etc. Our thoughts and concerns are now with his mother of age 91 (!) who was very much the motor and support in his life. My grandma is a very clear, warm and yet rational/pragmatic woman. She has remained very active and strong despite her age. She had a reason, a purpose. We now wish for her to find a new joy and purpose in life so that she may enjoy the remaining years. Having lived with and cared for her son for all of his life and now outliving him is definerly not what she expected to see happen. There is so much more I could say about all this... yet I will just end this post by saying I am proud of my grandma and her life.
more...usability context 2007-3-28 (106 words)
A List Apart: Articles: Inside Your Users’ Minds: The Cultural Probe
"Money aside, the artificiality of getting users to step through a series of tasks in a laboratory can lead to behavior that is different to how they would behave if they were in their natural “habitat” doing the same tasks of their own accord."... more...Holy Cow have I seen Stranger Things 2007-3-3 (27 words)
Go. Watch. Episode. One. On StrangerThings.TV. And I didn't even need my remote control. And no commercials either. Bliss, pure bliss. Live is so good sometimes.
more...1dot9 stycky remix 2007-3-3 (185 words)
Vlad over at Daevlmakr.com has found the time to release another set of his 1dot9 sets of samples. These are one base loop processed 9 different ways using the Daevl.Plugs. The new set is called Sycky and shows off nice combinations of the plugs in multiple stacking. There is a downloadeable zip with the resulting loops and that has detailed descriptions of which plugs were used. Now, what do I have to do with that apart from thinking it's cool? Well, I went and put it all together into a track of course. It is quite astonishing what you can get out of ONE basic sample loop. In my track you can hear the original loop for the first four bars, and then there will be the nine others fading in and out, punching in and generaly having a good time. Note that I also use no extra FX apart from volume fades and some slight LFO based cutoff filtering to get the rythmic fadein/out going. Enjoy!
play: /music/stycky_mix1.mp3 (''3:52 min, 128kbit/sec)Traumwind Minimalism 2007-3-1 (148 words)
Here's something from the "Happy little noises live here" department:
play: /music/fabriBleep.mp3 (''11:08 min, 128kbit/sec)
This track is - for all it's aureal complexity - actually quite minimal. It is composed of 2 (two) base samples. One is a phone bleep, the other the swoosh-beep of an industrial robot. What makes this so complex is the use of what is called a "Chime Delay". It's a delay that does two things: it creates random length delays that are also randomly panned in the stereo field, and it pitch-shifts them. The beauty of this particular one is that you can specify the pitch shift in semitones and you can specify a list of intervals you want created. In that way one can create harmonious delay clusters (using maybe a pentatonic scale etc), or more disharmonic ones when using staggered semitones.can you say: it's my fault? 2007-2-19 (73 words)
Joel Spolsky, Seven steps to remarkable customer service:
"Pretend you’re a puppeteer. The customer is yelling at the puppet. They’re not yelling at you. They’re angry with the puppet."... more...on confusion 2007-2-9 (81 words)
Confusion - is often experienced as "not knowing what's up." Is it realy that at times? Sometimes it seems we can feel very confused although we actually very much do know what's up. Sometimes our confusion stems more from "not wanting to accept" that from "not knowing". We very much know, only we do not want to know, we do not want to accept the knowledge. In the end we again feel confused. We confused ourselves. Well, that's not new is it?
more...the three layers of sound: atmospheres, habitats and species 2007-2-1 (248 words)
In a post on lostlog I found a music concept I'd like to explore more:
"On the Wildeye course, he introduces the three layers of sound: atmospheres, habitats and species. They are natural terms, but could just as easily apply to recording, say, a railway goods yard. Atmosphere is the unobtrusive bed of sound - perhaps the gentle noise of distant traffic, the hum of air conditioning, wind in the trees. A habitat could be the general sound of that railway goods yard. The species is the specific animal (or train, or voice) you want to feature."... more...Oblique Strategies 2007-2-1 (25 words)
Oh cool! FlightDynamics now has a random Oblique Strategy displayed on each page. I did that on my old blog, I think it's still there :)
more...Wikipedia biography is doomed 2007-1-28 (33 words)
Mark Bernstein has some thoughts on Wikipedia and biographies. And yes, with that kind of editorial process, I agree (to his conclusion). This remids me very much of the experience Marc had earlier.
more...reading Tarot with kids 2007-1-28 (89 words)
Here's an article that describes some fun and claming things you can do with kids and a deck of Tarot cards. and it also has some good insight into teenage wisdom,...
more...Daevl.Plugs and the LOEBT 2007-1-28 (72 words)
Jeremy Dickens (aka Logikal) has been collecting sample tracks from members of The League of Extrodianry Beta Testers and put together a PodCast with them. Interesting to finally get to hear what others do/did with the plugs. In my usage they tend to have a very specific sound to them. But that may very likely be because of the was I use them....
more...Papa auch (Bett)? 2007-1-21 (141 words)
oh yeah! The power of toddlers to get their papa's to comply with the rythms that have been 'forced' upon them :) Wee Feline (2 1/2) and yours truly are having a 'weekend' while mama and son are 'skiing' in the green. So I get to bring little Feline to bed and all that. Now being a freecyclic sleeper of sorts, the innocent "papa too?" questions can have tremendous impact on my sleep pattern. She loves it when I bring her to bed and snuggle in with her til she is gone. And, well, by that time I might be well gone also. The trick is to actually remember oneself being a free cycle sleeper. Meaning: use the sleep you are getting to get up and work later. And make sure you are fresh when she get's up again by 6am :)
more...patience, so much patience 2007-1-18 (337 words)
People around me who know my situation(s) often are astounded by the amount of patience I can have with adverse situations. "Where do you take that patience from?"...
more...Yo! Jimbo? 2007-1-18 (254 words)
As you might know, with each licence of Tinderbox these days you get a copy of BareBones' Yojimbo. So what do I make of it? At first I was not sure what I'd need Yojimbo for. After all, making notes was what I thought I was using Tinderbox for. I have a big tbx file just for jotting down notes. I put in addresses, phone numbers, dev notes, phone notes etc. It has become cumbersome and loads/saves rather slowly now. Looking stuff up in it works quite well, but actually I simply use base search on it. I need to know some words I put in with the info (names etc). That worked ok. Now enter Yojimbo. Where Tinderbox is purposefuly flexible, yojimbo is purpose-built to making, sorting and finding notes. Tags, smart folders, PDF/DOC/WebArchive/TEXT you name it. Just drop in and maybe tag later. Input is as simple as dragging an URL to the Yojimbo dropzone, which lives to the left of my screen. Hitting the apple key I can switch between bookmark or WebArchive for URLs. Simply dragging selected text from anywhere into Yojimbo works nicely too. Worry about proper tagging and filing later, if at all....
more...Tinderbox 3.6(.1) 2007-1-16 (218 words)
Oh YAY! I finally got around to upgrading my trusty copy of Tinderbox! And what a leap it is. I went from v2.4 directly to 3.6.1. So now I will first need to see if all the old stuff still behaves as it did. Need to see if there have been changes that might break my website etc. So far it seems glitch free. And THEN will I so dive into the new features. I am already enjoying the new test window layout that has a buch of useful controls to the left. Like the quick attribute access, grouped logically (User, Text, etc). I had set up my prototypes to display KeyAttributes I use a lot before, and this habdy display will definetly reduce a lot of that....
more...is India growing up? 2007-1-7 (73 words)
Gaurav Bhatnagar: R2I is the new in-thing!
There was a time when working in the US was the only measure of success. That is no longer true. If anything, rejecting overseas job offers seems to be the new in thing!No my title ,oght sound a little first-world-arrogant... but actually I really welcome this development. It shows that the India IT culture is devekoping a real self identity. more...On the future of music 2007-1-6 (349 words)
David Byrne has a thoughtful post titled "Crappy Sound Forever!" In it he discusses a book about the effects technology (mostly in recording) has had on music and compositions. One of his musings towrds the end I woud like to comment on here:...
more...assuming I don't know 2007-1-5 (43 words)
Mitch is aMusing about assumptions in conversations:
"When I add qualifiers such as "I don't know" or "Perhaps" to my assumptions, it frees the other person from feeling labelled and taken for granted and creates a better foundation for harmonious conversation."more...Whobar.org 2007-1-5 (264 words)
OpenID 2.0 has been proposed for some time now. Most of the action has moved to the Heraldry project, whichn is currently in the Incubator phase at the Apache Foundation. The PHP libs in the SVN there are the JanRain Inc ones, which seem to be at the OpenID 1.1 state. OPenID 2.0 is not fully agreed on as a spec, so there is little actual code to be found. As some might know Sxip already had some of the more interesting features of the OpenID 2.0 spec implemented. Most noteable what is referred to as "Attribute Exchange" now. There was said to already be code written by Sxip devs that would implement that part of OpenID 2.0... now THAT would be very useful, but it hasn't seemed to have made it into Heraldry. ...
more...Tinderbox maps in your browser 2007-1-3 (31 words)
J. Nathan Matias has built a fascinating php viewer that lets you see Tinderbox maps in your web browser....
more...Real Escape Agent 2007-1-3 (121 words)
Yeah. I know it's a typo. But then I am not a Real Estate Agent, and I never was and - probably - will never be. So I thought that title might fit me better. Escapism. Fiction. Creating Imaginary Worlds. Get it? Oh well... maybe just go read my Artist's Profile on DaevlMakr.com. If one man ever managed to catalyze a description for the elusive being that is "The Artist currently known as Martin Spernau", it is Mr. Vlad Spears. (The other who manages it is a woman, so techically does not count as "a man" in the sense of above statement. Oh I am so cute today!)
alles Bild, Text und Tonmaterial ist © Martin Spernau, Verwendung und Reproduktion erfordert die Zustimmung des Authors