Tag: Tinderbox
navel gazing with the Bright Idea Deck 2005-9-23 (452 words)
With my interest into Tarot - and the design of it - it might not be surprising I had to have the Bright Idea Deck by Mark McElroy. It's very much like a Tarot deck, only very much more "usable" for normal, un-enlightened people. It's symbology is straightforward and depicts scenes from everyday life. No mythology or arcane symbolism. At least not such that can't be understood directly without a major in the occult. And given my dabblings in using Tinderbox for Tarot use, it was only natural I tried out various spreads and how to record the readings in Tinderbox.
... more...Tinderbox as a meta-finder? 2005-11-4 (250 words)
0xDECAFBAD: "[W]hat if all of the “notes” in a Tinderbox document were just documents and files, and all of the relationships managed by Tinderbox (ie. spatial, links, aliased) were just encoded as extended attributes?"
... more...templates in the Tinderbox document 2008-2-18 (67 words)
Mark Bermstein: Testing built-in templates...
more...Tinderbox, a bunch of postIts? 2005-11-4 (200 words)
Mark Bernstein mentioned "a clever little book about using 3M Post-It Notes for information triage, planning, and decision-making in small groups. The core idea is to use wall space as a sort of ad hoc spatial hypertext"....
more...Yo! Jimbo? 2007-1-18 (254 words)
As you might know, with each licence of Tinderbox these days you get a copy of BareBones' Yojimbo. So what do I make of it? At first I was not sure what I'd need Yojimbo for. After all, making notes was what I thought I was using Tinderbox for. I have a big tbx file just for jotting down notes. I put in addresses, phone numbers, dev notes, phone notes etc. It has become cumbersome and loads/saves rather slowly now. Looking stuff up in it works quite well, but actually I simply use base search on it. I need to know some words I put in with the info (names etc). That worked ok. Now enter Yojimbo. Where Tinderbox is purposefuly flexible, yojimbo is purpose-built to making, sorting and finding notes. Tags, smart folders, PDF/DOC/WebArchive/TEXT you name it. Just drop in and maybe tag later. Input is as simple as dragging an URL to the Yojimbo dropzone, which lives to the left of my screen. Hitting the apple key I can switch between bookmark or WebArchive for URLs. Simply dragging selected text from anywhere into Yojimbo works nicely too. Worry about proper tagging and filing later, if at all....
more...finally upgraded Tinderbox 2008-12-29 (33 words)
So now I'm on Tb 4.5.3 like the rest of the cutting edge tinderboxers ;) Let'S see how much has changed around here, and if any of my old stuff has broken ^
more...Tinderbox for designing a Tarot deck 2005-7-20 (484 words)

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more Tarot and Tinderbox 2005-7-28 (35 words)
Back in April Gordon Meyer had a nice post outlining his use of Tinderbox map views and adornments to record a card spread.
more...Tinderbox maps in your browser 2007-1-3 (31 words)
J. Nathan Matias has built a fascinating php viewer that lets you see Tinderbox maps in your web browser....
more...Tinderbox and Proofreading 2005-10-27 (34 words)
I hate to be so "me too", but what Mark Bernstein describes in Tinderbox And Proofreading is (almost) exactly the process I use for my writing! Ask Elin, she's seen my "exports with metadata" :)
more...a cloud of ideas 2005-7-28 (80 words)
Here's another screenshot from my use of Tinderbox as a visual outliner tool. This one illustrates nicely how I move from a "idea cloud" towards an outline like structure. That is something you will not be able to do in traditional outliners, or with strict hierarchy for that matter....
more...First entry 2004-1-16 (365 words)
Well hey-ho. ...
more...Reading History 2009-1-12 (97 words)
The Tinderbox world sees a öot of discussion around Reading Jounrnals lately - Journals of what book one has read. with comments. That spaarked and interesting realisation for me: I usually percoeve my reading as "I wish I could read more, there's so many book I haven't read." But looking back on all the books I have read... that'S quite a list! Only considering all the books I have read that I actually still have with me, I don't think I could even start to compile a journal of them. It would be a major task of bookkeeping ^
more...Tinderbox: going from cloud to text 2005-9-28 (437 words)
I have been talking about "visual outlining" and a "cloud of ideas" before. But how do I go from there to a finished piece of text? In this post I will try to illustrate my process, using Tinderbox all the way - not just for Notes and planning.
... more...thinking in tinderbox 2008-8-28 (435 words)
The new release of Tinderbox 4.5 (which I sadly haven't upgraded to yet, but will), and a new PeopleAggregator client project has gotten me thinking about the "what is it about Tinderbox anyway"... ...
more...Tinderbox 3.6(.1) 2007-1-16 (218 words)
Oh YAY! I finally got around to upgrading my trusty copy of Tinderbox! And what a leap it is. I went from v2.4 directly to 3.6.1. So now I will first need to see if all the old stuff still behaves as it did. Need to see if there have been changes that might break my website etc. So far it seems glitch free. And THEN will I so dive into the new features. I am already enjoying the new test window layout that has a buch of useful controls to the left. Like the quick attribute access, grouped logically (User, Text, etc). I had set up my prototypes to display KeyAttributes I use a lot before, and this habdy display will definetly reduce a lot of that....
more...DeBabelizing the profile space 2006-7-20 (701 words)
So now I have my work cut out for me. With PeopleAggregator aiming to be an IdentityHub, a place to normalize and move info and data between digital identities, and me being labeled the 'PA identity guy'. So here is my task for the near future. In simple term it can be called "build import/export capabilities for profile meta-data". With the concept of remote authetication like with SXIP, OpenID or whathaveyou also comes the notion of a remote profile. Now on the technical level the resulting user profiles are not actually 'remote', but we have to pull in any availeable external profile meta-data a user might have with the remote system she is using for login. And to allow for the openess and freeness of user data PeopleAggregator stands for, we need to ALSO build a way to write-back this info. Import/Export you can call it. Marc calls it the DeBabelizer of profile meta-data....
more...Adornments are a lightweight organizers 2005-12-3 (133 words)
Mark Berstein has some very well written notes about the use of adornments in Tinderbox maps to be highly flexible and yet well organized from the beginning. His notes are a very clear explanation of what I am doing with my 'visual outlining' and 'clouds of ideas' etc....
more...visual outlining in Tinderbox maps 2005-7-21 (250 words)
Outlines have their uses. Especially when writing longer, structured papers. A good outline is as usefull as a good table of contents. As a long-time Userland Frontier user my natural Tinderbox view of choice has been the outline view for a long time now. But what has always bothered me about outlines - then and now - is their strict hierarchial structure. Tinderbox maps have given me a way to outline w/o rigid structural constraints.
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