using Tinderbox notes for templates?
Well, that's more a problem of teminology actually.
My problem / idea started like this: I would have liked to use the Tinderbox environment to also edit/manage my templates. I simply would like not to change environments to do things that are so very related...
So I started thinking if it would be doable and even worthwhile to try and edit templates as Tinderbox notes.
What you that mean? Ok, templates are files on your HD, period. That's how Tinderbox works and I have no way to change that. But Each Tinderbox note can (and often will) be exported to end up as a file on my HD also. So what's to stop me to edit/manage my templates in Tinderbox?
Ok, I have to make sure the templates are exported before all the other notes that will rely on them. And I need to make sure that my template-notes get exported w/o any templating of their own. Those things can be taken care of. (export as plin-text is an option for each note)
Would there be drawbacks? You bet!
- Tinderbox is not exactly the best HTML editor I can think of. It's build for simplae styled text. It doesn't have syntax-highlighting and any other specialized tools another editor would have.
- As mentioned before, the template-notes need to be exported before the actual export of pages. This also expands to possible changes one has done to a template, make sure that is get to disk before any apges get exported using it.
- templates will reside in the same folder as the HTML export by default. I guess this c an be changed..
Any added benefit of using Tinderbox to manage templates?
- One can use Tinderbox' power to build up comples templates from several parts
- Everything in one place...
- Attribute substitution and includes can be used to influence templates...
I guess the main benefit would be to have everything in one environment. Most of the other things can be done via 'boilerplating', which can provide much of the benefits I described here...
- Tinderbox Trick: one page navigation
- Tinderbox as a meta-finder?
- Tinderbox: going from cloud to text
- Tinderbox Umlaut encoding
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