

You didn't really expect me to honour the "change of the year as an opportunity to reflect" meme, did you? Well you might be suprised. I have never really cared for the official end of year stuff. Today is a day, and tomorrow is one too. And on one day we write '06, on the other we try not to forget to change our habit and write '07. But then, thi last year has seen a load of changes and developmeents for me and my small family... so I guess I might just as well give you a round up. Trust me, I'll do it in the most cryptic of way I can. You know me by now :)

So all in all the "last year" has been a tremendous development for me and my loved ones. I came a long way from "babysitter and walker of the dog, with no money to feed his family" to "professional webdeveloper in a major project" and "emergent multimedia artist".

Please excuse the un-opened boxes and dust around here. Not settled yet :)


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