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a lecture in farseeing
(Monday 26th August 2002)

If one can forsee the possible futures and anticipate the steps that lead to each of them, is it then not possible to achieve any given goal by taking only those that lead to the desired effect?
Let us for one moment pretend that you my student had the gift to see the multitudes of probability. And let us also pretend that you had the strength of concentration and depth of mind to sift through the ininite amount to possible courses of action that would lead to your desired goal. To further this experiment we might also asume that you had the strenght of will and the clearness of mind to not be allured by the myriad of alternate achievements similar but maybe more promising than your original goal.
Seeing and anticipating all the minor steps that need to be taken and set into motion by you would also go hand in hand with the knowledge of all the consequences your actions had. This gift would not only show you what might happen if you took the wrong steps, what bad turns and missed opportunities lay on your path. It would also give you insight in all the ways your path influences those of others around you. Together with all the achievement you envision for yourself you would also see all the setback and disillusion your path might bring to those rivaling your goal.
Knowing exactly what is necessary to achieve ones goals might actually let the goal itself seem minor.

Sometimes knowing that success is not an option is a source of consolation.

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Martin Spernau
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